Thursday, May 6, 2010

One day, you too will ask "would you like a test drive?"

It didn't take long for me to start to ponder about this. Bloomberg has gone mad!
Truly, what has happened here? It wasn't too long ago that some poor bastard woke up and said to himself that he was going to do something with his life. Perhaps prepare for retirement -like most of us should, retiring at 65 just simply is not in any of our futures- or better yet start a career that will reward him with teaching the children of the animals that bred them. Little did he know that upon walking into his school one morning, after years of college and student loans, he would find out that he no longer would be teaching. Sweet Moses, how could any of us have see it coming? The teaching profession has become an endangered species, Bees could be argued as being relatively important.
The newbie hired teacher, he must have forgotten that he lives in NY; a place where teachers become used car salesmen and students depend on Facebook instead of the New York Times.

- 10th floor window, facing Queens Blvd on this sad, sad day.

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